8 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Business

8 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Business by Megan Totka.  Available from <http://www.business.com/marketing/megan-totka-mobile-marketing/>. [October 26, 2016]

Mobile marketing is constantly moving forward and evolving, stay on top of the trends

Mobile marketing is different than other methods of marketing because it lets businesses get directly in front of customers on devices they use all the time – tablets and smartphones. From mobile check-ins to text messages, to emails and social media, mobile marketing may help small businesses boost sales when they send coupons or offer discounts, sales, or promotions to customers.  It’s smart to reach out to customers on the devices they constantly have in their hand – this is why mobile marketing can impact both online shoppers and walk-in customers, too.

Luckily, more and more companies and individuals realize the benefits of mobile and want to lead the way into the mobile future – and the first stop is adopting mobile marketing solutions for your small business. Take a look at these 8 mobile marketing tips that can help your small business.

Text marketing

The professional side of texting is something to embrace. SMS is for more than casual conversation – even financial institutions now send sensitive data via SMS and it’s pretty powerful. Now that more than three-quarters of the world’s smartphones are SMS-enabled, it’s time to make sure your small business is, too.

Create opt-in campaigns that allow customers to sign up and receive alerts and rewards for joining the campaign. The platform is a great way to encourage customers to take specific action in exchange for a reward, such as a discount on a purchase. There is a greater chance that people will open their texts than read emails, and texts are opened more rapidly than emails, too.

Transition to a mobile-ready website

Responsive design is crucial – if you don’t have it, you risk text that doesn’t fit on the page and may notice that your customers come up missing, supporting a competitor who can offer a site that is mobile-ready. Make sure your website reads beautifully whether it is accessed on a laptop, desktop, mobile phone, or tablet.

Create a mobile app

Mobile apps aren’t inexpensive to build – they can easily cost a pretty penny if you’re willing to pay. Like anything, though, with some time and effort, you can make sure the process is affordable. Your app doesn’t have to be super fancy, and you don’t have to join forces with a well-known firm that will charge you a lot of cash. Find new creators who are eager to get business and showcase their talents. Pay them reasonably and offer referrals and site recognition, too.

No matter how you do it, make sure you get an app built, around 80 percent of smartphone users use apps every day. You can’t let your business miss this simple way of making sure your brand is in front of all of those people.

Incorporate mobile payments

Small businesses have either a product or a service to offer consumers. As a result, your strategy should include acceptance of mobile payments – know what to look for in a payment processor before you rush to make a decision. Payment processors offer various benefits when it comes to service, security, ease of use, and cost efficiency. Make it easier for customers to pay you with modern payment options.

Have meaningful social presence

Facebook isn’t all about fun and games, and while it is a lot of fun, it’s also a great way to gain new customers. Marketing is about first giving to your customers. This means you should give your audience on social media what you would want yourself. Share posts and start meaningful conversations. Leave comments and ask and answer questions. Work to make sure your brand is where people see it and appreciate it; it doesn’t take much time out of your day.

Offer up deals

Your business can continue to make money while sending out digital deals. Send messages straight to your consumer’s smartphones, SMS coupons have redemption rates 10 times higher than print coupons like the ones we see in the Sunday paper. The other good news: it’s nearly impossible to lose the smartphone version of a coupon.

Consider mobile customer service

More businesses are jumping on the mobile customer service bandwagon to track orders, take payments, share shipping details, and respond quickly to questions via smartphone. This is easy and convenient for both the small business owner and customers. Plus, customers really enjoy the quick response time mobile customer service offers.

Register with mobile directories

The days of thick phone books with yellow pages are just about history. Instead, the majority of people now turn to mobile directories. To ensure your small business is found, register with various mobile directories. Think along the lines of YP, Yelp and Google+Local.  Remember to include the details of your business such as its name, the products and services offered, business hours, a contact phone number, a link to your site, and your physical address.

Mobile marketing is constantly moving forward and evolving. Stay on top of the trends and times and make sure you know what your competitors are doing in the mobile marketing arena. Try not to fear the cost or changes that accompany mobile technology — Smartphones and small businesses are a perfect match.

In addition, realize that mobile marketing isn’t going away – it’s actually our future — so now is the time to get on board and don’t look back. While some small business owners shy away from mobile because they perceive it to be complex or time-consuming, many realize it’s simply another way to market a small business. After all, small business owners are in a better position to utilize mobile for customer engagement. It’s all about connecting with customers, and mobile allows that to happen.

Photo credit: GaudiLab/Shutterstock

8 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Business by Megan Totka.  Available from <http://www.business.com/marketing/megan-totka-mobile-marketing/>. [October 26, 2016]


WHY FACEBOOK IS A GREAT AVENUE TO INCREASE AUDIENCE REACH Posted By: Mark Olson.  Available from <http://imsoup.com/13886/why-facebook-is-a-great-avenue-to-increase-audience-reach/> [

Facebook has proven itself to be one of the best social media platforms in terms of connecting with family, friends, and even in gaining new contacts for one’s business. Ten years of groundbreaking innovations have made Facebook a force to reckon within the internet marketing industry.

With great success also comes the gut-wrenching pains. Due to the resounding success of using Facebook for social media marketing, business owners drove in flocks trying to take advantage of Facebook’s advertising schemes and gain a foothold in the internet marketing industry. In recent years, internet marketing dreams were easily achieved through Facebook. With everyone building up campaigns on Facebook, the platform is now an arena for marketers to strut their stuff. The arena is now very competitive—thus the increase in costs.

Facebook is now at its peak in terms of social media marketing power. With billions of dollars’ worth of experimentations, it now seems most marketers have seen the ups and downs of utilizing social media for their marketing campaigns.

Increasing one’s audience reach is one of the common goals of marketers on Facebook. Increasing the audience size increases the chances of your content getting shared. Increased sharing conversely increases widens your audience reached and increases the chances of conversions.

An article on Search Engine Journal shares 7 ways to increase reach on Facebook:

Here are some of the major points from the article:

• Engage your audience with good images
• Regularly use automatic bidding
• Automatic target placement increases your chance of success
• Avoid overlapping your ads
• Avoid frequently changing your campaigns
• Achieve your goals through reach campaigns
• Using Lifetime Budget helps

With these tips, it would be much easier for marketers to focus on their campaign goals and reach out to the neglected audience on Facebook. Facebook is a very accessible tool and very easy to use. Every business owner should take advantage of this great social media platform.

WHY FACEBOOK IS A GREAT AVENUE TO INCREASE AUDIENCE REACH Posted By: Mark Olson.  Available from <http://imsoup.com/13886/why-facebook-is-a-great-avenue-to-increase-audience-reach/> [

The key to deliverability and the importance of a successful email marketing campaign

The key to deliverability and the importance of a successful email marketing campaign by Tom Corbett.  Available from <http://www.fourthsource.com/email-marketing/key-deliverability-importance-successful-email-marketing-campaign-21495>. [October 19, 2016]

In the marketing industry today, it is not enough to simply have great email content. Marketers need to ensure it reaches the right inboxes at the right time. Tom Corbett, Experian, offers a guide to getting the most out of email deliverability.

The most powerful tool of a marketer is email marketing. Both highly measurable and capable of producing impressive ROI, it is not uncommon to hear people boast about high deliverability as one of these metrics that truly matter.

But what does ‘deliverability’ actually mean? Statistics suggest that 1 in every 5 emails fail to land in the inbox which means 20% of opportunities to connect with customers are regularly being missed.


Marketers are often (incorrectly) under the assumption that a measurement of their deliverability is simply the proportion of emails that were ‘accepted’. An email is considered to be delivered if it does not bounce or doesn’t get returned to the mail server. Delivery rate is a calculation of mail sent minus the volume that bounced. But to really be able to consider campaigns to be successful, marketers need to ensure that what they’re sending is not becoming stuck in spam – or ignored. Overall, deliverability is making sure you are doing what you can to put yourself in the best position to be actually seen by your subscribers. Taking this into account, it is important to understand exactly what happens after you click send and to understand what has happened when it doesn’t go to plan.

All Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have developed different filtering methods as a way of offering unique customer inbox experiences. They all offer a form of global level blocking which makes a big difference in the world of email spam.

Spam is often a word that is synonymous with annoying people. It is universally hated, and marketers shouldn’t be sending it because, quite simply, no-one likes receiving irrelevant mail.

However, not only is it annoying and damaging to the customer experience on an individual level, it is also potentially quite dangerous, because not all spam is the result of ‘innocent’ unsophisticated marketing.

Spam and blocking

70 per cent of mail sent globally is considered spam and these filters drastically reduce the volume coming to an inbox. However, the interpretation of spam differs from person to person, hence the saying ‘one person’s spam is another man’s ham’. As a result, local level blocking has given the recipient the power to take control of their inbox.

Make the grade: Be wanted

What is becoming increasingly important is humanisation in email communication; making your email wanted is the key to a successful mail programme.

With the recent update of Google’s Gmail Android app, customers were given greater control of their mailbox on their personal devices. Blocking a sender means all future mailings are instantly moved to the spam folder.

It is essential to ensure that your participants actually want to receive your messages. Personalisation and relevance are crucial. There is nothing to lose. By putting your consumer at the centre of your marketing strategy, you’re providing a more relevant and positive customer experience, which will reap the rewards in receiving both their time and attention.

The key to deliverability and the importance of a successful email marketing campaign by Tom Corbett.  Available from <http://www.fourthsource.com/email-marketing/key-deliverability-importance-successful-email-marketing-campaign-21495>. [October 19, 2016]

Get sophisticated! Top tips to take your email marketing to the next level

Get sophisticated! Top tips to take your email marketing to the next level by Jenna Tiffany.  Available from <http://www.fourthsource.com/email-marketing/get-sophisticated-top-tips-take-email-marketing-next-level-21516>. [October 25, 2016]

Your marketing strategy might be delivering results today but if you’re not planning for the future and the possibility of potential disruptors shaking up your industry, you could be putting your business at risk of failing, and losing out to other players in the market that are ahead of the curve. Comet, Woolworth’s and Blockbuster have something in common – they closed down because they failed to adapt to customer expectations and adapt to modern day times. Blockbuster didn’t invest in digital and fell behind when the likes of Netflix came on the scene. Many customers were dissatisfied with Blockbuster failing to understand their needs including their return and late fee policies. Companies such as Netflix came along and addressed the issues consumers faced when it came to renting films. You must identify what areas of your marketing strategy are working and the areas that need improving. If you don’t, another company could come along at any moment and take your customers. 

Almost 90 per cent of adults regularly use the internet, according to the Office for National Statistics, and this change in consumer behaviour means marketers need to adapt to reflect consumer’s daily habits. People expect a real-time, personalised experience and companies such as Amazon are constantly raising the bar for what is expected, especially with the recent launch of Amazon Dash. Technology is enabling personalisation that cuts through the noise when so many brands continue to send mass market messages.

The way people consume and filter emails is changing in response to consumer expectations. Year on year email sends are increasing by 28 per cent, according to our recent Benchmark Report. The inbox is getting busier, so your emails need to stand out amongst your competitors to engage current and future customers.

For many businesses, their email marketing is basic or, more worryingly, non-existent. Email is one of the biggest drivers of ROI in the marketing mix and as a result it can’t be ignored. Personalisation is very important for engagement, but many brands are failing to implement a tailored approach with their email marketing strategy. We know that emails with personalisation get opened 23% more than emails with none. Further to this, emails with multiple pieces of personalisation get opened 31% more than those with one. You can’t deny the power of personalisation!

It’s important to understand that challenges and limitations exist around developing a more strategic approach to email marketing. Data is the greatest challenge to email marketers, closely followed by ‘limited internal resource’, according to the DMA. Having a framework in place to map-out your journey to sophistication can help you to deal with these challenges and provide a timeline for success.

Adapting your email marketing strategy to increase sophistication could place you steps ahead of your competition. But, where do you start? Our sophistication scale and supporting guide can help you out:

  1. Where are you now and where do you want to be?

How much ROI is your email marketing strategy delivering? 54% of TFM attendees this year didn’t know the ROI of their strategy! Identify how effective your email marketing strategy is and the results you are generating at present. Is it what you thought? If not, are you lacking key elements such as personalisation and sending emails for the sake of it with no considered plan or strategy? Once you know where you sit, you can identify your ambitions and define your next steps.

  1. Engage your stakeholders from the start

When altering your email marketing strategy, you may find that you need to change some mind-sets within your business, such as an approach of ‘blasting out’ as many emails as possible. Getting buy-in from all stakeholders at the very beginning will mean you can set strong foundations for the new strategy from the get-go.

  1. Identify your goals and objectives

Determining your email strategy from the start is really important. Map out your goals, analyse your performance in terms of what works well, identify opportunities and areas for improvement and set goals and objectives so you have something to strive for.

  1. Place your customers at the heart of your strategy

Your customers (whether they’re prospective or current) should always sit at the centre of your email marketing strategy. Before you put your email marketing strategy in place, stop and think about what the benefit is for your recipient. Consider how your email journey adds value to your customer’s experience with your brand, service and product. If it’s not delivering the experience consumers expect and require, change it to reflect your customer’s needs.

  1. Analyse and evaluate

Regularly ask yourself what’s working really well and what could be improved? Benchmark your performance against competitors in the industry to see where the opportunities are and to ensure you are always applying context to your activity.

Get sophisticated! Top tips to take your email marketing to the next level by Jenna Tiffany.  Available from <http://www.fourthsource.com/email-marketing/get-sophisticated-top-tips-take-email-marketing-next-level-21516>. [October 25, 2016]

Download Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors

Download Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors Posted by  

The Internet undoubtedly is the best place to stay updated with the latest news and information, to connect with old friends or making new. And not to be surprised, the benefits of the internet are now enticing the senior citizens also. Latest researches and surveys show that there is a significant increase in the number of senior internet adopters lately, over 80% of older adults now have a smartphone. May it be the online shopping, banking, reading news and updates or dating, seniors are the new technology hopefuls.

There are however two types of senior internet users, one who want to play safe and remain in the shallow end of the internet and the other category includes the seniors who are largely connected to the latest gadgets and the digital world and want to dig deep into the internet and its benefits.

While it is certainly good to see the seniors getting into the internet, it is also worrisome when it is about their online safety. The internet sure is a bliss but can turn into a curse if you are not careful with your privacy settings. While it can never be 100% safe but we can certainly minimize the risk by being watchful. If you are one of those new internet adopters or if you have some seniors in your family who are new to the internet, download this Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors for them

Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors

Written in simple and readable English, this guide includes almost every aspect of internet safety. Also, the guide gives simple and effective tips to stay away from the phishing email attacks, cyber bullying, and spammers. This Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors also highlights the ways seniors use the internet and the kind of risks linked. Detailed information about online banking, social networking and dating etc.

There is also a detailed explanation of Identity Theft and the protection against it. You can also learn how to monitor and manage your online finance account without getting into any risk. Charity Scams is another very important topic covered in this safety guide.

Safe Social Networking

Social networking is the best way to stay connected with your old friends worldwide, to make the new ones and to stay in touch with your family living far away. Facebook is one of the most popularly used social networking websites today with all age group users.

Adjust your privacy settings- you can use it to share your pictures, videos, locations with your friends and relatives worldwide and the Facebook messenger lets you chat or have a video call with your loved ones. But the fact is, the more you open up, higher is the risk. While Facebook has its own privacy settings, you always have to adjust those settings to stay safe. Adjust your settings and limit your audience on Facebook. Make sure you know what you are doing. With a few changes in your settings, you can restrict access to your pictures, locations and other personal details on Facebook.

Strong passwords– intruders are everywhere and only strong passwords can keep your online account and other details safe. May it be your email id or an account on some social networking website, strong and unique passwords are very important to stay safe.

Always report the issues- report the cyberbullying issues if any. If ever you get a threatening or harassing message on any of your social networking account or email, no need to react or respond, just report the issue immediately and stay safe.

Beware of spam– You may get an email asking for your contact details to win some hundred thousand US dollars, a link to get wonder weight loss medicine or a link masked with some hot and sexy girl’s profile, think twice before you click on any link. Such links masked with attractive text are often dangerous. Beware of the spam and phishing mail attacks and make sure you know what you are clicking.

Health and well-being

Seniors often use the internet to solve their queries of health and medical issues. There are thousands of websites offering free medical help and suggestions but not all of them are legitimated and trustworthy. This Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors helps you understand which websites to visit for medical help. Also, you get to know about tips on dealing with Medicare, Social Security, and the IRS. TurboTax.com and IRS.gov are two recommended websites for seniors to deal with their Medicare issues.

The guide also enlists the risk associated with the online taxation, scams, and protection against it and the legitimate software and websites to file your taxes. The guide also includes the official contact details of Medicare.

Furthermore, the guide also shows the important reference links off government websites, legitimate health, fitness and food websites, links to support pages of popular web portals like Yahoo, Google, AOI and links to adjust your spam filter settings.

Overall, this Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors by ConnectSafely.Org is one stop for all your queries and doubts regarding the internet and its usage.

Download Online Safety Tips Guide for Seniors Posted by