Ways To Optimize Your WordPress Website

Ways To Optimize Your WordPress Website by Unofficial.  Available from <https://unofficial.cc/2017/08/30/ways-optimize-wordpress-website/>

Your website’s quick loading speed is no longer a perk – it’s an absolute necessity if you want to perform better and to have a sound online presence. The slower your site loads, the more visitors you lose. Think about it – we don’t really like to wait, do we? If the website performs at an optimum level, it can help influence the website´s rankings in search engines. The necessity of uniqueness has been rendered critical even more so by the tremendous emerging of thousands of websites on the internet. Hence, you must understand the importance of optimizing your WordPress website development. So, how do you make your website’s loading time faster? Let us help you out. The tips and tricks that we’ve listed below will surely provide you with a few comprehensive solutions.

However, before we describe the methods, it’s essential for you to check your website speed. You can do so by using free performance services such as Google PageSpeed Insights, YSlow and GTMetrix. These sites can prove to be extremely beneficial as they will provide you information on your website´s loading speed. They will also let you know the about the file size of your page. In addition to that, these services also provide solutions to counter the problems.

Make sure your images are optimized

The inclusion of images in the content you provide is essential to the success of your WordPress website development. However, these images can take a lot of space in the database, increasing the load time of your site. Hence, you must sacrifice the image quality to a certain extent and have the images optimized for the web. So, how can you optimize your images? Well, you can check out photo editing applications that boast of the ¨Save for Web¨ feature. You can also use plugins such as Wp Smush.it The plugin automatically optimizes JPEG images and transforms GIF images into PNG. It also gets rid of the unnecessary Meta data from the images. 

Pay attention to the WordPress Theme

We would advise you to use a WordPress Theme that operates smoothly and fast. Hence, it’s necessary for you to opt for a theme that is coded well. It’s not advisable for you to select themes that feature images all over the page; those sites load slower than normal sites because of the weight of the images. You must also pay attention to the flexibility of the WordPress theme and ensure that it’s optimized for desktop, smartphones, and tablets.

Clear your trash

Your trash, which works as a fail-safe system, can use a lot of space in your site´s database, in turn, increasing the load time of your site. Therefore, it’s necessary for you to clear you trash frequently. WordPress automatically clears your trash every month, but if you want to reduce the time, you should modify the wp-config.php file.

Scrutinize your plugins

It’s not advisable for you to fill your website with plugins. The more the plugins in your site, the slower the loading time. Hence, you must only install plugins that you cannot do without. You should also ensure that the plugins are coded well and don´t use much CPU. If you want to know how much load time a particular plugin adds, you should use the plugin, P3 Profiler.

Delete these

Trash is not the only thing that can use a lot of space in your site´s database. Other factors such as spam comments, unnecessary trackbacks, drafts, post revisions, and pingbacks can also contribute to increasing your database´s size. Hence, you must delete them immediately. If you don´t have the time to do so manually, you should consider using WP-DBManager and WP Optimize; these services can automatically remove the spam comments, auto-drafts, and trackbacks etc.   

The importance of opting for the right hosting plan

It’s essential for you to choose the right hosting plan. While doing so, you must opt for a server that processes HTTP requests and MySQL commands in a jiffy. As we mentioned earlier, services such as GTMetrix can help you identify the response time of your server. You can then compare the response time of your server to other sites that offer similar content. You must ensure that your hosting plan isn’t underpowered. You get what you pay for and you want a hosting plan that can take care of spikes in traffic and visitors smoothly.

The importance of a cache plugin

If you seek for desirable results and commit to WordPress website development, it’s essential for you to install a cache plugin. Doing so will enable you to upload HTML files instead of dynamic files. A cache plugin eliminates the need to execute MySQL and PHP commands. And, this, in turn, drastically decreases the loading time of a site. In addition to that, a cache plugin can also be useful in caching feeds, supporting the CDN, Gzipping, and minification etc.

Ways To Optimize Your WordPress Website by Unofficial.  Available from <https://unofficial.cc/2017/08/30/ways-optimize-wordpress-website/>